Indiana Jones Wiki

Crack that whip

New member
After dipping my toes into Indy Wiki editing a while back I've been doing a bit more today, adding a couple categories and starting some (very preliminary) pages for characters I'm astonished didn't have any already. I do plan to work on it more extensively as time permits...


New member
i don't like Whipipedia cause it doesn't automatically make me think "oh it's about indiana jones". i'd prefer Indypedia to that.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Insomniac said:
It says marion's 29 years older than mutt??? Indy is 39 years older.

I think I remember the age gap between Marion and Indy being 10 years. After all, if Indy, being born in 1899 (that's inescapable at this point), is 37 in Raiders, in 1936, then 10 years prior ("I've learned to hate you in the past 10 years), he would be 27. A 27 year old man and a 17 year old woman/girl ("I was a child, I was in love, it was wrong and you knew it!"), especially when the woman is the daughter of the man's mentor...that seems to square with what we know, and its being regarded as inappropriate by however many of those involved, seemingly all three.

Crack that whip

New member
I've been trying to add a bit more to the wiki lately, but there's still a great deal of work to be done. It's kind of astonishing just how many Indy universe elements have either stubs or no entries at all, to say nothing of all the editing and refining required for many existing articles.

Still, though, it's a nice start. I'm just surprised and disappointed at some of the shortcomings, given that it's been around almost four years now.