Second time is a charm!!!... a motivational return to INDY 4


New member
Being new to this forum but a die hard Indy Fanatic for 25 years, I couldn't help but think how much BETTER INDY 4 was the second go around.

I went into the movie with extremely high expectations for an INDY film (the first time).
Of course waiting in line the first time I though of a few of the things Spielberg and Harrison Ford mentioned, about how its a film for the fans, it was so much fun to make and get together again, etc, etc.
So then I thought... OK they made this for us. I was only 11 when I saw IJ_ATLC in Theaters, but I grew up on Indy over my friends house watching them on VHS.

Ok So here it is The first time I saw INDY 4 on Thursday night I actually liked it. I had a blast, yet didn't know what to think really where it ranked among the others.
Fine, SO it wasn't what I remembered when I was young, I didn't care. I Didn't want the same old "relive the glory of the originals".
I wanted to see more... I just wanted to see Indy back at it.
AND isn't that what we have here?? Indy at it again??

I just saw INDY 4 again today (second time) and Loved it even more. What a thrill to watch, what an adventure and what fun.
Isn't that what being a fan is all about??
I can't see criticizing this movie like a news journalist or reviewer, because whats the point? Sure, it had some not so sharp moments. SO did the originals.
Being crazed Indy Fanboys we went there to have fun and see Indy again (at least I did).
Isn't that what brought us to love Indy in the first place? Not necessarily JUST the script, or just the characters or the Macguffin or the score... but the total package and most importantly the pure fun of following Indy on another adventure? Shoot, the first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a archaeologist when I was 5. I didn't even know what a real one did.

So I say to all those who criticize the movie. I am sorry you didn't enjoy it. I wish you did. I am sorry Spielberg/ Lucas' and Harrison didn't appeal to your moral sense of instinctive fun and excitement, but you can't please everyone I guess. At least I loved it!!
I am going back to see it on Thursday with my wife (third time).
Can't wait for INDY 5.

I fully encourage all (true) fans who were ousted by the first showings undesirable surprises to go see INDY 4, one more time. Lower your defenses and your critical bull whip and sit back and enjoy (as if you were a kid again). You just might think differently the second time around.
Well, thank you for the encouragement. I shall be viewing it again in thirteen hours with a fellow Indy nut. Both of us were disappointed first time around.
If we leave the theatre on a downer again, we shall be beyond saving.


New member
Amen. I hope that this does well in theaters, and that we can see another Indy film in the near future that goes into new territories for the franchise while countering the criticisms this film has received.


New member
Good job guys!
I look at it this way... what movie out there (made for blockbuster fans and general public) hasn't received some kind of criticism by us fans and die-hards?

I still have trouble with the SW prequels because I let myself get wrapped up in the whats wrong and whats right with this story. I can't do that with the new Indy film or the past ones, its not fair to how I grew up and what I truly enjoyed about the movies, the sheer excitement of being apart of something special that you can't get out of real life.

I just wish everyone to remain a little bit more opened minded the second time (if possible).
I wish you all a good viewing, have fun...thats key.

Young Indy

New member
I saw the film at midnight. The theater was hot, I had to go to the bathroom for half of the picture, and it didn't even start until 12:20am because of all the commercials and trailers! I was tired. I watched the film and liked it but, there was some things I wasn't feeling good about. I stayed up till 4:00am thinking about it and reading others reviews on A LOT of people where bashing and I went to bed on kind of a sad note. The next night I was to see it again with family. I saw it again and just fell in love with the film. I don't know what happened but, the second viewing was better than the first. I remember feeling the same way with seeing some of the latest Star Wars films(which I love). It's strange and I don't know how to explain it. It's like once I realized it wasn't the greatest movie ever made, it helped it become one of my favorite films of all time. I can't explain it. I love it. Seen it 4 times and seeing it at least 2 more times next week.

Way of the dodo

New member
I would like to see it again. No matter what anyone says, going in the first time I think it's impossible not to compare it to Raiders, it cant be helped. And well, yeah, it's not as good as the greatest movie ever made! Crusade felt overly broad and goofy the first time too.


New member
I'm planning to see it again. Like you said, now that you're past the initial "shock", it should be better the second time.


Well-known member
I feel the same way. I hated it at first, and it was generally a bad viewing experience (during mid afternoon, no one clapped, people shuffled out as if in a funeral), the second time I took my 9 year old niece, who loved it, the audience clapped at the end, it was night time. I loved it. I'd give it a B on second viewing, whereas the original three range from A+ (Raiders) to A- (LC). My niece gave it an A, and loved it.


New member
It was such a different experience seeing it the second time. I never stopped smiling and I actually walked out humming the theme. I went with a friend (in his mid-twenties) who was a casual fan and had never seen an Indy film on the big screen. He actually said it was the best movie he had ever seen in a theatre.:D


New member
I liked it the first time and loved it the 2nd time. Just wait until you see it for a 3rd time ;)

Multiple viewing increase the value of the movie until you get bored at your 51st viewing.


New member
I never had any sort of expectations for this movie particularly trying to re-create past glories. I personally just thought, with lack of character development, inconsistent story-line, 'rushed' ending etc, I felt these were just personal things I noticed that I would have noticed in any other film.

The more I think about it though, about 3 days after I saw it, as a piece of fun, nostalgia and escapism it is a good film, but I just COULDN'T HELP noticing the details above which let me down.

Anyway, regardless, I'll be going for a second viewing, and I think/hope that I'll enjoy it alot more then as it seems many others have.


I completely agree with this thread - I saw it again for the second time today and although I was happy the first time - this viewing was sooo much more fun.

The minor flaws are trivialities compared to the joy and excitement of this movie.

A second viewing also really made me appreciate the performances - particularly Karen Allen who has taken alot of unfair criticism.

She has some great lines and delivers a wonderful performance with what she has been given. Her return as Marion helps make this movie.

I think alot of folks will agree that after the initial anticipation - a second viewing of this movie is a delight.


New member

It's odd, I was disappointed with the film as well after seeing it at the theater last night. Well, my friend showed me a portion of the film someone posted online -- I'm not advocating piracy -- but couldn't take my eyes away and I will say it does play better on a second viewing.

I won't go as far as saying it made it a great film for me -- the monkeys and waterfall just will never work for me -- but I did enjoy it more.

Dr Jones

New member
I second this...

I enjoyed Indy far more on the second viewing!

My check-list of expectations of a 19 year return for Indy were binned and I enjoyed the adventure for what it was and it was great!

YES, with all the films we have a moment we don't like and KOTCS had it, but I enjoyed the ending more (temple ruins, not the alien apperaing), and it did fit in with what Indy was looking for and thinking they exist, and where did they go?

A brave film but still a very very enjoyable romp! Great chases, fantastic set peices and comedy, brilliant acting from the gang...good fun!!



New member
Saw a third time and is growing on me each time. I confess, I LOVE INDY IV!!!
Can´t take my mind of it. It´s a very flawed film, I´m aware, but in a very strange way is a delight to see it and enjoy all the fun.:D


New member
Hey thanks to all you guys posting your thoughts.

Its odd because when I walked out of the first showing Thursday night, almost everyone were fanboys...and nearly all walked out say "meh, it was alright."
OR they critically bashed the film. There was one guy, a half-baked Indy fan screaming at the top of his lungs in the concession area "INDY 4 is a piece of ****. Save your Money!!" I mean come on! There were little kids there for crying out loud. Anyway... So when I walked out of the movie and I thought, "No, it wasn' can't as bad as everyone else thinks." At least I didn't think so.

The second showing proved that for me.
The second showing showed me the KOTCS fits perfectly with the other 3 originals.
YES people clapped, people laughed and walked out with big smiles.

How many people here think the response from the audience during and at the end of the movie makes Even a SLIGHT difference in how you perceive the film when you leave?

I think it does a little bit.

Either I am waiting to see it a third time and buy the DVD

Bring on Indy V.:dead: