The "Casual Fan's" Reaction to KOTCS

The Crowing 90

New member
All my friends are the casual fans, and they loved it. As did both my parents and my grandparents!
I've gone to 3 shows with different groups of people, and the only real complaint i've heard from the casual fans is "what was with mutt being tarzan...?"


New member
My cousin and best friend told me over and over before seeing KOTCS that the Indiana Jones movies are great, but he doesn't have the same sentimental connection to them that I do due to religious-like repetitive viewing over the years. To the point that he even told me to stop sending me so many updates about the Indy mania circling KOTCS including screen shots, toys, and comics.

My cousin is also very critical of things he watches. He has a hard time enjoying fun movies not meant to change your worldview or enlighten you in any real way. He can be pretty staunch in his dislike of movies that don't challenge him intellectually...

So he goes to KOTCS and LOVES IT. He's been singing its praises for days, even going as far to say (though this isn't a hard title to hold) that KOTCS is the best FOURTH MOVIE in a franchise EVER!!!

With this experience, and the other three preceding pages in this thread saying similar things, I think it's safe to say that we've gotten too close to the material to really enjoy these type of movies anymore. We can learn from "casual viewers" because I think that's who these movies are made for. They're meant to be fun. If you take them too seriously (and yourself for that matter) then you miss the point.

After coming out of the theater from my second viewing and having a ball, something that didn't happen the first time, I realized this observation personally.


Well-known member
The clearest indicator of what casual moviegoers think is the box office. And judging by that, audiences are enjoying the film just fine. The steep 2nd weekend dropoff so many fanboys predicted did not happen, and the movie actually exceeded even the most generous estimates.


New member
Casual fans I know?

A good friend of mine thought "the whole thing was lame" and really hated it. But he's also the guy who walked out of Temple of Doom during the dinner scene in order to play video games in the lobby because he was grossed out.

My mom enjoyed it, but thought the alien/spaceship ending was "a little much". (She loved the jungle fight scenes the best -- go figure!)

My brother's girlfriend said she liked it until the alien(s) came back to life.


New member
My brother's a casual fan, and he pretty much had the same reaction as I did.

It was ok, but it was little too "out there". After I watched it a second time and said I liked it better, he said "Yeah, I kind of figured it would be easier to swallow on a second vieiwing. I'll watch it again when it comes on DVD and see if my reaction changes."


Well-known member
I brought my Dad to go see it (might as well, who knows how many times I made him watch the first three with me.)

He left the movie and just couldn't understand why people didn't love the heck out of the film, especially if they had enjoyed the first three. He had a great time despite the minor flaws.


New member
When I went with my dad, he told me after that he had very low expectations for the movie, but came out having really enjoyed it. He said it was the first movie he really liked since he saw Bourne Ultimatum, which I also loved. My mom just whined about how everyone looked old. She went in expecting the same thing as the trilogy, even though I warned her not to. I'm just disappointed I haven't had a chance to see it again.

Aggie Crusade

New member
IAdventurer01 said:
He had a great time despite the minor flaws.

The people here who really hate it are comparing it to the trilogy. If you compare it as a movie, against other movies that have come out in the past 10 years, it's a good film.

What Truck?

New member
My Dad

My father had this advice to give after his initial viewing (he loved it, by the way).

"Your problem is, you knew too much. Remember what happened to that Russian lady because she wanted to know everything? The entire film is ridiculous - just accept it, sit back, and enjoy the show."

I still hate the movie, but I thought this was worth posting.


New member
I've been out to see it twice with my closest friend/old ex and she LOVES it. Smart girl, English Major, eats up classic literature like you wouldn't believe-- so she's no stranger to storytelling. On the other hand, she doesn't know **** from shinola about Lucas gushing-bashing or spoilers or any of that Internet fanboy drivel. She loves the other Indys, too.


New member
They like it in the Desert

I am currently deployed to Iraq, but got to watch the movie from a pirated copy be passed around here (one word on pirated movies -- if we didn't have them to watch here, we would have hardly anything to look forward to. Movie studios provide zero support to troops overseas).

Anyway, it is a pretty crappy copy so its tough to get a feel for all of the special effects. Regardless, I thought it was an awesome movie and a great Indiana Jones movie. I'm not sure why people are so hard on it here. Maybe they were young when they saw the first three, so those are frozen in time for them from a child's viewpoint.

In my opinion though, it showed how much Spielberg has grown as a director. While not that lightning in a bottle that Raiders was, its a more mature, complicated, and well-filmed effort than the last two (which I still like). The flick has been crazy popular here -- even more so than Iron Man.

I guess I'm saying people should stop being so hard on it. In ten years, I think you'll see that if fits in really well with the trilogy.


New member

My bro likes the Indiana Jones movies, but was never a really big fan.
He and his girlfriend went to see KOTCS and they liked it very much. My uncle and cousin went to see it and they liked it too...... oh wait, theyr'e fans.. ;)


New member
I'm taking my brothers, Dad, and nephews on Sunday. All could be called "casual fans" and I will post their reactions on Monday!

Can't wait to see it again myself!

Agent Z

Active member
TohtLikeaTiger said:
(one word on pirated movies -- if we didn't have them to watch here, we would have hardly anything to look forward to. Movie studios provide zero support to troops overseas).

Damn man, I always thought they would throw you guys a bone. Sheesh! (n)

I'm glad you guys enjoyed Kingdom though. :)

You're right....after all the hype fades away and it goes back to just being a movie, and not some key to some proposed legacy, I think people will have more fun with it. :whip:


New member
Dovchenko said:
I'm taking my brothers, Dad, and nephews on Sunday. All could be called "casual fans" and I will post their reactions on Monday!

Can't wait to see it again myself!
Okay, as promised, here are some more "casual" fan reactions:

Dad: Liked everything but the alien at the end.
Brother (aged 32): Liked it, but thought it was geared too much toward children.
Brother (aged 31): LOVED the movie, except for the alien at the end.
Nephew (aged 9): LOVED EVERYTHING!!!
Nephew (aged 5): LOVED EVERYTHING!!! Asked me when number 5 would be out.

Take what you will from this.