Theory: Beginning of movie takes place earlier?


Moderator Emeritus
You know, this theory is beginning to sound plausible. I believe probably sometime in the early 50's, not really the 40s. Besides as someone already pointed out, any earlier and he'd have to look younger than the 1950 bookend from YIJC. I would say that a close call with the Atom bomb as the finale of the opening sequence would be enough for Indy to say, "that was way too close. It's time to stop now." So he retires for a couple of years to a life of teaching. Enter the main plot's beginnings. And they did say, that KOTCS does start with "a big bang." Why not an atomic one?


New member

Maybe Indy fails (like every beginning) but also gets hurt pretty bad, sort of putting his alter ego on hiatus for a period of time.


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visionz13 said:
Maybe Indy fails (like every beginning) but also gets hurt pretty bad, sort of putting his alter ego on hiatus for a period of time.

I heard a rumor Mac sells Indy out to the Russians at some point. Later he redeems himself.

Maybe in the beginning Indy will get away but the Russians get Mac sort of brainwashing him for later. Also if the whole Nuke thing does end the opening scene w/ Indy just barely getting away, I think that'd shake anyone up enought to take a break.


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Deckard said:
Maybe in the beginning Indy will get away but the Russians get Mac sort of brainwashing him for later. Also if the whole Nuke thing does end the opening scene w/ Indy just barely getting away, I think that'd shake anyone up enought to take a break.

I like this idea. Maybe Indy thinks Mac was killed in the blast.


Staff member
Some time between the New Mexico set pics and the announced return of Marion, I considered an early '50's opening. My reasoning was Blanchett might be captured and turned informant in the years between, going from bad to good (opposite of Elsa) but not entirely trusted. Then you'd have a Ford/Blanchett romance form on the river boat, right out of African Queen.

But now I see no need for a time lapse. I think Lucas would be drawn to the largest atmospheric nuclear test in North America (July 1957) like a moth to a flame. Also, Spalko doesn't seem to age in all the pictures we've seen.
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rowerguy7 said:
god i hope not. it was cool that they were able to do that....but it looked so fake and ridiculous. i think mainly because we're all so used to seeing patrick stewart and ian mckellen as their "old selves" and with the exception of really star trek we never really saw alot of them when they were younger (at least young enough to not have wrinkles and droopy faces). I don't really anticipate Spielberg using a cheap cgi trick like that to show an age difference. He'd stick to make up and stuff like that. kind of lost-esqe (the tv show), like what they did with make-up for John Locke, if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
they just added hair LOL I LOVE LOST


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Attila the Professor said:

You'd have to get him to look like this, if it were '47.

Well, that... you got me. :D :hat:

No Ticket

New member
I've been thinking that the whole time but I just never said anything. I noticed his hair being a different color in the warehouse pics. Given the fact that I've always assumed it would be a cool opening scene... it makes perfect sense. Plus, neither Marion or Mutt are there. Which also makes sense... you can bet that Mutt will be the thing that gets the main story rolling SOOO... here's my plot outline:

Indy and Mac in warehouse after Ark.
That doesn't work out, so Indy quits adventuring.
Mutt arrives at his college one day.
American Spies/Russians are after Mutt for some reason which in turn means they end up being after Dr. Jones
This leads Indy to Marion... which leads them to South America... which leads them to the temple.
end of movie.

But you know what that would mean? That means the warehouse scene is relatively short. And it looks really cool sooo... that kind of sucks. If it's true.


New member
The only thing that makes me think the Warehouse scene may not be the opening sequence is that Mac and Agent Spalko look exactly the same as they do in every other photo we've seen. They're both wearing the same exact costumes that they wore during the jungle scenes. Maybe those are their trademark outfits just like Indy has his trademark outfit.

Its also possible that they just haven't released any pics or info of the opening scene yet. I highly doubt that though.


No Ticket said:
Plus, neither Marion or Mutt are there.
They aren't there, right? Mmmm...

Why is Spalko introduced so early? It would surely give some depth to a reencounter years after.
But the ark as an excuse for the opening scene? I don't know.

The question is... what about the other 90% of the movie? Photos, Videos & Trailer showed us so much of the warehouse and the desert. Many secrets hiding (Hurts character anyone?)... probably better so.

Sankara said:
No! The complete Story of "Indy IV" deals in 1957.
Ok, sorry... my mistake.


Sankara said:
No! The complete Story of "Indy IV" deals in 1957.

You still believe the film-makers? After what Marshall said about Abner, I would give their words very little credibility.

No Ticket

New member
Dr.Sartorius said:
The only thing that makes me think the Warehouse scene may not be the opening sequence is that Mac and Agent Spalko look exactly the same as they do in every other photo we've seen. They're both wearing the same exact costumes that they wore during the jungle scenes. Maybe those are their trademark outfits just like Indy has his trademark outfit.

Well, a few years for Indy might age him more than Mac and Spalko who are younger than Indy, or so it seems.

... and as far as the clothes go, yeah, you got me there.

Blue Jay

there are two things that make me believe that this is still 1957 and part of the main story:

- his hair could be darker due to the lighting and sweat (which makes even gray hair seem darker)

- he is not wearing his gun belt like he is not in the other pictures (continuity) and just his web belt with the whip holder. i would be weird for indy to change his look in the past dramatically without explanation, like he has been captured and his gun was taken etc...

Those arent strong arguments, but for me they are stron enough to dismiss this speculation.


New member

If you look at the new warehouse picture from Empire you will see that the car in the middle is like a '57 Chevy or Oldsmobile. So I would say that the warehouse scene takes place in 1957. :hat:


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eroc said:
If you look at the new warehouse picture from Empire you will see that the car in the middle is like a '57 Chevy or Oldsmobile. So I would say that the warehouse scene takes place in 1957. :hat:

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