Theory: Beginning of movie takes place earlier?


New member
replican't said:
It happens later - Indy and Mac have to get the Ark for some reason. Probably to put the skull in and contain its power, otherwise the world will explode or something.

I don't think it's the opener of the movie - i think they need the Ark to counter the power of the Skulls.

But your post has made me think of a Big Dramatic Finale...Indy has grabbed the Skull, which is shooting out random bolts of power all over the place, runs to the Ark, flips open the lid, averts his eyes and dumps the skull in.....the lid shuts..........and then there is a muffled explosion, the lid bumps up a bit and smoke leaks out. Then the lid tilts back and the Ark burps.


New member
there is some sort of diversion in the warehouse. Indy opens the crate in the passenger seat of the car to reveal nothing but papers, not what he was looking for...swings on the light to the bannisters, which crashes head on into that 57 chevy or whatever that car is...

so we know that indy swings on the lamp and crashes through the truck window before that, since the 57 chevy is behind indy when he's swinging...

so spalko has something with her that indy wants, and never retrievs..

sorry i gotta go, ill follow up later

any thoughts


New member
Not bad, but touching the Ark is supposed to be deadly unless you are the high priest I think. If then. Hence the long poles to carry it and the cover.

If Indy's saving the world, I suppose an exception might be made, but it would bother me forever if he just "flips open the lid".


I don't really think that they'd use so much of that scene in the trailer if it was at the very end, it's more likely that they'd show the opening action scene.

Dr Jones

New member
I like your findings, definte mystery regarding Indy's hair.

It seems a blast if they are going to open the movie with such a packed opener!

Can't wait to find out what will happen! :hat:


Staff member
Certainly the Ark of the Covenant is in one of those thousands of crates, but I doubt anyone knows it's there. We've seen the magnetic "Roswell 1947" green box, and even if we didn't know the macguffin from Saucer Men, I'd say Spielberg's work is done. Imagine its contents for yourself.

And I think the Russians will take it home for reverse engineering.


New member
This set piece, being captured, the warehouse fight, the escape and the rocket sled fight with the demise of one of the thugs seems to me like it is going to feature somewhere at the 60 minute mark...

Or this is shaping up to be one of the most complex, exciting and heavily expository openings of any previous Indy film.
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nitzsche said:
This set piece, being captured, the warehouse fight, the escape and the rocket sled fight with the demise of one of the thugs seems to me like it is going to feature somewhere at the 60 minute mark.

I would say 57 minute mark ;)

But if they are in the US for so long... when will we see the red line on the world map? I want it earlier!


New member
Ray winstone says in the Empire article that his character and Indy were involved with Intelligence work with the Russians during WWII. That could explain some of the shots where Indy's hair is darker (13-14yrs younger). The film we know starts with the end of one adventure before the next, I think this is likely to be set towards the end of WWII.


barranca said:
Ray winstone says in the Empire article that his character and Indy were involved with Intelligence work with the Russians during WWII. That could explain some of the shots where Indy's hair is darker (13-14yrs younger). The film we know starts with the end of one adventure before the next, I think this is likely to be set towards the end of WWII.
If thats the case... what happened to Indy in only 8 years! War seems to age people very much!
Still, a World War II scene in Indy was something I always hoped for. But Russians in America in 1945? That's not going to happen.


New member
I don't even think the warehouse sequence IS the opening. I can see it as very much part of the main story, and they're off to South America soon after.


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oki9Sedo said:
I don't even think the warehouse sequence IS the opening. I can see it as very much part of the main story.

Me Neither, I think It'll be something we haven't seen yet.


New member
An Argument for the Opening

Here's an argument for the Warehouse scene to be the prologue that I've yet to read or see anywhere.

Recall the teaser trailer, the shot of Indiana picking up his fedora from the ground. The camera booms up and pushes in to Indy's silhouette on the Army staff car.

This is a hero shot, an introduction shot; not at all unlike Indiana's emergence from the shadows in the Raiders prologue when we first met Dr. Jones so many years ago. The type of camera blocking and cinematography here are relatively identical by way of their motivation (/end pretentious film studentism.)

If the audience already knows who Indiana is and what he looks like, this is not the type of shot you'd use half way into the film except to be showy and gimmicky. (Of course, perhaps this shot was merely filmed for the trailer. Not unheard of sure, but it's still meant to accomplish the same effect, but I digress.) This is the shot that says "hello, and welcome to the beginning of the fourth Indiana Jones film, and now your hero, Indiana Jones."

This, and the much alluded to fact that we see so much of this scene in the teaser, to me says this sequence must be part of the opening.



New member
barranca said:
Ray winstone says in the Empire article that his character and Indy were involved with Intelligence work with the Russians during WWII. That could explain some of the shots where Indy's hair is darker (13-14yrs younger). The film we know starts with the end of one adventure before the next, I think this is likely to be set towards the end of WWII.

And with the massive "outing" of people from all walks of life during the Red Scare, Indy would definitely be a target of protest.


New member
barranca said:
Ray winstone says in the Empire article that his character and Indy were involved with Intelligence work with the Russians during WWII. That could explain some of the shots where Indy's hair is darker (13-14yrs younger). The film we know starts with the end of one adventure before the next, I think this is likely to be set towards the end of WWII.

I think that's too much. When I said it might take place earlier, I meant maybe 1-3 years.

The Man

Well-known member
spiralout said:
I think that's too much. When I said it might take place earlier, I meant maybe 1-3 years.

Winstone also says that the movie starts fast and gets faster. We're in for a furious curtain-raiser, that's for certain.


Perhaps the hero shot, the shadow of Indy in the car is the first time in the movie where we see him with his official costume (Hat, whip etc). In the opening scene Indy could be wearing something different like the tuxedo in TOD. Maybe his professorial clothes or something else.


New member
the first time we see indy

is the shot of him running ontop of the crates and whipping the lamp...he's going to pop out of nowhere and we're all going to get chills down our spines

maybe......its going to F-ing rule no matter what!!!!

Grey hair, dark hair, whatever, indy is going to kick ass, we're all going to see
it multiple times in theaters....


lynchpin said:
Here's an argument for the Warehouse scene to be the prologue that I've yet to read or see anywhere.

Recall the teaser trailer, the shot of Indiana picking up his fedora from the ground. The camera booms up and pushes in to Indy's silhouette on the Army staff car.

This is a hero shot, an introduction shot; not at all unlike Indiana's emergence from the shadows in the Raiders prologue when we first met Dr. Jones so many years ago. The type of camera blocking and cinematography here are relatively identical by way of their motivation (/end pretentious film studentism.)
Great point!

WHAT IF... the warehouse is the opening, and still is revisited after that?