Favourite Indy Movie?


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
Well, if Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best movie ever made, what does that tell you?

"It tellsh me... that goosh shtepping morons like yourshelf should try rreading booksh inshtead of burrning them!" (rr - rolled, for those non-Spanish learning/speaking/understanding... and I'm just kidding, Render.)

I like Last Crusade a lot, because I'm a humorous type of person, but ToD and Raiders are tied, and are also VERY close behind... it didn't used to be that way though. I almost disliked ToD, but it seems the more I watch it, the more I like it. Raiders has the best costume though... that's the version I'm collecting. I like everything about the Raiders costume... it's brilliant. ;)

In Christ,


New member
my favourate film is last crusade as it is simular to raiders of the lost ark theme rather then temple of doom but just about makes better viewing then last crusade with the father and son story added in and the tank chase is very good to :)


New member
Favorite Indy movie: TEMPLE OF DOOM!!:)

I think I'm beginning to see why some people dislike this particular "Indy" film.

Here are the reasons that I think:

*Marcus Brody and Sallah (two awesome "Indy" characters) are not in it.:mad:

*You don't see Indy teaching at Barnett College (yet you see him in his professor garbs during the banquet scene).

*Indy retrieves only one Sankara stone, instead of the three that he had in his satchel before they fell in the croc-infested waters.

*The fact that ToD was the darkest of the three "Indy" films.

*Indy doesn't fight any Nazis.:mad:

*There were a few disgusting scenes (i.e. "The Banquet Scene").:sick:

*ToD is known as the prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark.

*Willie Scott is one of the loudest screamers on the face of the earth!:)

*You see Indy's evil side (which is very scary).

I think Temple of Doom is an excellent "Indy" film, especially with the great "Mine Cart Scene" (it had some awesome effects)! But I personally think that all three "Indy" films are the best.:D


New member
While I agree with you Acme about Temple being a great film, I can see why people feel let down by it. Like it's not as sophisticated or quest driven in it's story like the other two. Part of the fun of Raiders and Crusade was going all over the world to fight Nazis but in Temple we're confined to one locale for 3/4 of the film's run time. Another thing that's missing is seeing Indy use his knowledge to decipher clues to find the artifact, all we get here is the villagers pointing the way to Pankot Palace and leaving Indy to infiltrate the place for the stones. Add to it the Willie Scott character being a let down after Marion. Still, Temple has it's good points, faults and all, like I pointed in my "Why Temple is awesome" thread.

Back to the question. My fave Indy film is Raiders, hands down.

Indyz Azn Gurl

New member
I like all 3 equally.

Shorty made Temple enjoyable.
And LC was just the funniest out of all 3.

But I guess Raiders wins by nose b/c the story is just bad@$$. XD

Indy Canuck

New member
Raiders of the Lost Ark.

All the way, the greatest all-around story, the greatest all-around adventure (a reason the other two continually refer to it?). Classic elements seen for the first time, and scenes that are immortalised forever.

Everyone I know says LC is their favourite, but they always remember scenes from Raiders. Either the boulder or the Swordsman.

How can you dismiss a film that just never takes itself to seriously for its own good? ;)

But I digress. I've said all these things a million times. I'll probably say them a million more. Despite my environment, populated by LC lovers (no offence at all meant to those of you on this board who are btw), I shall remain a Raiders fan through and through.


im somewhat surprised to see the number of people who enjoy TOD the best in this thread (which is a good thing)

although i like all three equally... if i HAD to pick (via gunpoint is pretty much the only way) id pick LC just because it was the film that introduced me to indy


New member
My 8-year old son and I prefer "Raiders." My wife likes "LC" the best. No comment from my 15-month old twins.


Tennessee R

New member
TommyJohnson said:

Also, I know a lot of people hates Willie.
I love her first because Kate Capshaw is soooo beautiful! and secondly because, like Indy says, "the biggest trouble with her is the noise". She screams and screams again and that made ToD a funny movie.
Last, of course Marion is more intelligient, but I love the fact that Willie is scared of everything and she screames for everything! Most important Willie's thoughts are like "Oh I broke my nail" or "My dress will be dirty again".

That is the way I feel about it, too. She, in my opinion is the most beautiful Indy Girl, and she is a part of what makes ToD so light in between the dark.

Tennessee R

New member
I'm with you, Rumpled Fedora, Mayhew, IndyMcFly, Strider, Matthiasattlure, and Dr. Jones.

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LC LC LC LC LC LC LC____LC LC_________
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New member
Raiders because it has the right amount of suspense,action,drama,horror,romance and even humour :whip: :)
and it has the best dialogue

Indy try the local sewer
Belloq you and I are very much alike

Belloq You are about to become a permant addition to this archelogical find who knows in a thousand years you may be worth something:D :whip:

anyway Raiders is one hell of a brilliant movie:D :whip:

The Drifter

New member
I don't remember if I answered in this thread before, but here's a hint for my favorite.

"Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory."
Raiders is the Best...why do you people still bother?

Got to say, this is dedication, also...you've got to get away from the cobol programming...

Tennessee R said:
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LC LC________________LC LC_________
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LC LC LC LC LC LC LC____LC LC_________

JP Jones

New member
RotLA= best made of the whole series. It had a amazing plot , terrific action, and a really inovative movie.
ToD= most feel good movie. Just a great time to let yourself go and have loads of fun.
LC=Eh, it's just pretty cool,but nothing special.
KotCS= Most enjoyable movie. Fantastic chases, wonderful fights, and a great story.

I've tried, but I just can't pick a definite favorite. KotCS and RotLA are really tied for the top spot with ToD right behind and LC in last.