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  1. B

    Return to Raiders? next Indy movie

    Haha, typical men blaming the women! I'm just worried there will be a future "young mutt" series and we'll see how well that fits with the whole raider ideology!
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    Indy 4 on DVD

    But of course at that time they wouldve come out with an Indy V and then do the whole thing over again... Do we live in a throw away culture? Im thinking... yes!
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    Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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    New Job + More Freetime = A Newbie on the Raven

    haha, "its Belloq!... Belloq!" all I need now is the hat, a monkey, a watch which I useless unless I bury it "for a thousand years, then it becomes priceless!" Sorry to nerd out on you all
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    Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

    Rock on!!! Now all I gotta get is money to buy an xbox 360... donations anyone? haha
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    Indiana Jones and Jack Daniels???!?

    Why does the Raven's mural have Marion holding a Jack Daniel's bottle? Don't you think they wouldnt have JD in the middle of nowhere? Just somethin that's been botherin me ever since I've been on here... :whip:
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    Mystery Of The Blues

    What do you think ever happened to Indy's beard from the motb in the kotcs? That beard was awesome!
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    Indy 4 on DVD

    Meh, the 2 disc fits with all the other dvds that have recently been released since the movie that I don't own, and don't care to spend the money to buy the same seet of dvds that I have owned since they were first released. Can anyone give me a reason why they would release the originals...
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    Return to Raiders? next Indy movie

    I will refuse to see another movie with MUTT as its main character. Plus doesnt it bother anyone that all throughout the last crusade Indy's bastard child is running around somewhere...
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    What are KOTCS's best action scenes?

    touche, sir. Oh, and the Jungle Chase was alright except for the sword fight on top in the cars. This isn't Zorro, it's Indiana Jones!
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    Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    I agree with you that this movie is just for kids; however, the epic of Star Wars was started for adults, kids, etc to view it and go to "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away". Enjoying adventurous nature, the storyline, and above all else the great acting is all Star Wars should be about...
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    What are KOTCS's best action scenes?

    By far, the motorcycle scene. It mixed a classic scene (NO CGI!) with comedy that nearly resembled the scene fighter pilot and car chase scene in the LC
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    "Where'd they go - space?"

    Hahaha, awesome!
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    The Shia LeBeouf Drool Thread!

    A Shia drool site... really? Don't forget to take some banaca after you drink and drive! The cops will never know...
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    Lucas Animation - Indy 5 and Beyond ?

    I am toooootally against the idea of an animation epic of Indy. It just doesn't fit with the genre of Indiana Jones and what makes the first three movies great films. Plus with animation you get a "dumming down" of the film *cough* *cough* star wars *cough* *cough* to a level only kids will...
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    Lucas ponders Indy 5

    Why continue digging up an old grave? Indy has been dormant for almost 20 years and following the last concoction I am not too excited for the next movie! Which there probably will be in the future when Lucas runs out of money again. Except it probably will only star Shia (if hes still alive)...
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    Toht's Robotic Arm

    Try this on for size, you think that instead of a robotic arm they chose to do something else a little scaled back... let's say the headstaff scar
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    "Where'd they go - space?"

    keep dreaming... Lucas killed the old days long ago And the next Indy film will probably be only starring Shia and his trusty side kick Short Round's son... played by Lil Bow wow
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    how many times have you seen kotcs?

    Was there alcohol involved? I've only seen it once since the midnight opening, and am waiting for it to come out on dvd so I can drink while I watch it. (it might null the pain)
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    Groovy Idea!

    Leo is way too old to play young Indy, now a days. Then again, it might be better than Hayden Christensen's scrawny self playing Vader. And, who's the one with the booze again?