Search results

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    Amrish Puri

    He was in "Gandhi". He played Mr. Khan, Gandhi's Muslim friend and partner in South Africa. I thought he was wonderful as Mola Ram. You can have an evil cult, human sacrifices and child slavery but without a personality to hold it all together, it's kind of trite...Puri did a great job and he...
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    Indy and Odysseus

    I realize that it's not an exact parralel....As an educator I've seen this trend.....getting the student to relate to something they are not remotely interested in (the classics) by comparing it to something the student is familiar with and maybe interested in(although most of my students think...
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    Jones vs. Quatermain vs. O'Connell

    What do people have against "The Mummy"(1999) 1. It's characters are a rip-off, a blatant Indy rip-off 2. It also a trendy upgrade of the original Karloff Mummy with none of the skill of other versions of the tale, like Christopher Lee's Mummy 3. Lots of fake looking CGI, FAKE, FAKE...
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    Jonny Quest

    Okay, was funny and my typing wasn't perfect......
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    Why did Indy say that?

    I agree, it was him trying to get the upper hand on Willie. He used all those acadamic terms todo the same thing while they were flirting....
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    Weekly Poll

    Only if N'Sync show up..... I don't think Lucas listens to the fans unless the fans feel their mythos will be ruined by a trendy boy band!!
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    Jonny Quest

    Was this a great show or what? Very Indy-like, but before Indy!! There went to Egypt, India, Africa, Thailand....always getting in scraps, narrow escapes.... Indy is kind of like a synthesis of the adults, the brains and book knowledge of Dr, Quest and the brawn and wisdom of Race...
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    Jones vs. Quatermain vs. O'Connell

    O'Connell is a lame Indy rip-off, an Indy for the Chippendale crowd!!
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    Devil's advocate thread: I hate Indy

    I HATE INDY!!!! He's always getting in the way of people who are out to accomplish things..... Mola Ram....he wanted to drive out the Britiish from India, a goal of Ghandi, no less....f*$# Indy. Then Mola wanted to destroy the Christian, Hebrew and Muslim gods......that's the only way there...
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    Best Indy companion/sidekick

    How about the evil(but only temporary) Maharajah? He could be Shorty's companion!!
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    Has anyone ever hit themselves while using a whip?

    [Mod]Content edited. Blofeld, keep your language in check. [Edited by Aaron H on 11-27-2003 at 09:13 pm]
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    Indy and Odysseus

    Basically, Indy doesn't always win....look at the teasers for all three films....same as Odysseus(Ulysseus is the Roman name). Unlike James Bond, Indy doesn't always come up on top. Indy has humilty beating himself up for getting Marion killed(apparently) , like Odysseus did with his men It is...
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    Indy and Odysseus

    Indy is like Odysseus because he aims to survive,like shooting the Cairo swordsman- the ends justify the means. Unlike Achilles, a hero with fierce pride and ego, Odysseus has humilty and just gets by, losing much(his men, his ships, his treasures) but keeping his wits. Yes, there are...
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    Indy and Odysseus

    I'm a substitute teacher(doing as much classroom work as I can while getting my teaching degree)...anyway I was in a classroom yesterday looking at a new history book, and, to my surprise, in a section on classical Greece, they had a photo of the Raiders movie poster in a sidebar about Odysseus...
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    Indy Reading

    Doc Savage Two words for high adventure........DOC SAVAGE Doc was a big influence on Indy, Lucas even admitted it. The end of Temple of Doom with Indy's shirt in shreds was done in tribute...
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    the Best Indy villain

    Mel Gibson? What are you smoking? Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas....yes.....Gibson, no. And when did he ever whine?
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    the Best Indy villain

    Man....what did I start here? It's all interesting.... But how would Belloq fare in Indy's boots? He would probably outwit or hire out for more muscle to beat Lao Che.... But Mola Ram would kick his French butt....(meaning he'd rip his heart out!!!) Go Mola Ram!!!!
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    Something that bugged me in ROTLA........

    I think Toht and Dietrich picked up the "evil" slack for Belloq just fine...
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    Indy and James Bond

    How about a Bond film involving the golden idol Indy lost in the opening in Raiders? It's nice to imagine..... But given how Indy is owned by Lucasfilm/Paramount and Bond is MGM/ will never, ever happen!!!
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    Philosophy in Indiana Jones

    I don't think any philosophy is in the Indy films... Philosophy is pretty heady stuff....Sartre, Camus, Plato, etc, Indy is pure popcorn with a dash of religion, mythology, history and archeology